
Iron 1 - Canby, Douw, Ferris, Hammond, Ramsay, Robb, Settles and Wilson.
Iron 2 - Conklin, Ferris, Fowler, Spinning, Storm, Van Wyck, Watkins
Iron 3 - Bourdeau, Chandler, De Peyster, Douw, Gansevoort, Guie (Guy), Lanman, Van Renssselaer
Iron 4 - Alexander, Gales, Graham, Hennon (or Hennen), Morris, Ramsay, Ritchie
Iron 5 - Canby, Johnston, Poyntell, Price, Roberts, Tatnall, Tilghman, Waln
Iron 6 - Fielder, Hopkins, Jones, Powers, Settles, West
Iron 7 - Branham (Brannum or Branum), Cook, Hammond, Pennington, Powers
Iron 8 - Britton, Carr, Jones, Robb, Stinnett, Stuart, Taylor, Waller
Iron 9 - Brown, Corliss, Cutter, Chaffin, Keyser, Williams, Wilson, Wolfe,
Iron 10 - Ferris, Fowler, Hoyt, Jackson
Iron 11 - Archer, Fowler, Hoyt, Odell
Iron 12 - Blackman, Hinds, Marsh, Watkins
Iron 13 - Baker, Littell, Spinning
Iron 14 - Conklin, Storm, Van Dyck, Van Weert
Iron 15 - Buckout, Conklin, Sie, Storm
Iron 16 - Brinckerhoff, Rapalje, Thorne, Van Wyck
Iron 17 - Adriance, Brinckerhoff, Montfoort, Schenck
Iron 18 - Douw, Quackenbush, Van Brugh, Van Rensselaer
Iron 19 - Bancker, Cuyler, De Peyster, Schuyler,
Iron 20 - De Wandalear, Douw, Gansevoort, Van Rensselaer
Iron 21 - Schuyler, Van Brugh, Van Rensselaer, Wendell
Iron 22 - Boylston, Coit, Lanman, Spaulding
Iron 23 - Chandler, Church, Griswold, Wolcott
Iron 24 - Garigue, Guy (Guie or Guay),
Iron 25 - Bourdeau, Bouron, Clermont, LeVitre
Iron 26 - Douglas, Epps, Poythress, Ramsay
Iron 27 - Brent, Graham, Trimmingham
Iron 28 - Gales, Marshall
Iron 29 - Dement, Hennen, Sharpe, Waters
Iron 30 - Beekman, Morris, Staats, Walton
Iron 31 - Carpenter, DeForest, Stout
Iron 32 - Davison, Ritchie, Williamson
Iron 33 - Alexander, Beard, Enos, Storie
Iron 34 - Canby, Lea, Marshall, Shipley
Iron 35 - Allen, Deschler, Lefevre, Roberts
Iron 36 - Benson, Bruff, Perry, Price,
Iron 37 - Lea, Marshall, Pennock, Tatnall,
Iron 38 - Erwin (Irwin), Johnston,
Iron 39 - Poyntell (Pointel), Tayler, Wilcocks
Iron 40 - Chew, Galloway, Tilghman
Iron 41 - Thomas, Waln
Iron 42 - Allen, Settle(s), Wilkerson
Iron 48 - Anderson, Harris, Perry, West
Iron 49 - Gittings, Gover, Hall, Hopkins
Iron 50 - Converse, Hammond, Powers
Iron 58 - Barr(e), Nicholson, Robb
Iron 59 - Dabney, Small, Waller
Iron 60 - Gibson, Howard, Taylor
Iron 61 - James, Osborne, Randolph
Iron 64 - Berry, Britton
Iron 65 - Hardwick, Northcutt, Stuart
Iron 66 - Johnson, Reed, Simonds, Wilson
Iron 67 - Brown, Cutter, Hastings, Poulter
Iron 68 - Monroe, Stone, Williams
Iron 69 - Brown, Chandler, Davis, Potter
Iron 70 - Chaffin, Cummings, Davis, Estey
Iron 71 - Barker, Corliss, Mitchell, Roberts
Iron 74 - Ferris
Iron 78 - Fowler, Knight
Iron 79 - Foote, Newell
Iron 80 - Brown, Budd, Buswell, Hoyt, Smith
Iron 81 - Budd
Iron 86 - Archer
Iron 87 - Careles, Fage, Newman
Iron 88 - Odell
Iron 89 - Sadler, Vowles
Iron 90 - Watkins
Iron 91 - Baker
Iron 92 - Blakeman, Wheeler
Iron 93 - Hawley, Wheeler
Iron 94 - Baldwin, Marsh
Iron 95 - Mann
Iron 98 - Spinning
Iron 99 - Bishop, Hubbard
Iron 106 - Storm, Van Cortenbosch, Van Swaenswyck
Iron 107 - De Plancken, Fauconnier, Moreau, Van Montfoort,
Iron 116 - Boeckout
Iron 117 - Elswaert, Jans
Iron 120 - Des Pre. Sy
Iron 121 - Sy
Iron 122 - Polhemus, Van Der Werven, Van Wyck
Iron 123 - Brinkerhoff, Dubbels, Seubering, Stryker
Iron 124 - Denton, Ellison, Livingston, Thorne
Iron 125 - Denton, Smith, Windebank
Iron 127 - Cool, De Sille, Meulmans, Van Kouwehoven
Iron 128 - Alberts, Klock, Rapalje, Trico
Iron 129 - Brinkerhoff, Cornell, Polhemus
Iron 130 - Ryersen, Schenck
Iron 131 - Rapalje,Van Der Beek
Iron 132 - Bastiaens, Bogaert, Rapalje
Iron 134 - Cool, Schenck, Van Kouwehoven
Iron 135 - Voorhees
Iron 138 - Douw, Jansdochter
Iron 139 - Van Breedstede
Iron 140 - Quackenbush
Iron 142 - Haeckens, Pafraet, Van Rensselaer, Van Wely
Iron 143 - Lookermans, Nicasius, Oloffs, Van Cortland
Iron 144 - Pottai, Van Brugh
Iron 145 - Jans, Jenszen, Roeloffs,
Iron 146 - De Peyster
Iron 147 - Lubbertse
Iron 148 - Bancker
Iron 149 - Damen, Van Epps
Iron 150 - Doudes, Schuyler
Iron 151 - Cuvellier, Roos, Ver Planck, Vigne
Iron 152 - Cuyler, Jansz
Iron 153 - Schepmoes, Van Naerden
Iron 154 - Ganservoort
Iron 155 - Conyn, Stynmets
Iron 166 - Schuyler,Van Slichtenhorst, Van Wenkum
Iron 167 - De Meyer, Van Dyck
Iron 168 - Du Chesne, Truax, Wendell.
Iron 169 - Dircks, Vesscher
Iron 172 - Bastian, Boylston, Morecock
Iron 173 - Gardner, Smith
Iron 174 - Bly, Coit, Harris, Jenners
Iron 175 - Parks, Thompson, Wheeler
Iron 176 - Farwell, Spalding, Welby
Iron 177 - Davis, Hall, Wilcox, Willard
Iron 178 - Bayford, Chandler, Douglas, Mattle
Iron 179 - Bourne, Raymond, Smith, Williams
Iron 180 - Church, Collier, Southworth, Warren
Iron 181 - Paine, Rainsford
Iron 182 - Griswold, Hyde
Iron 183 - Brown, De Wolf, Lee, Peck
Iron 184 - Pitkin, Saunders, Wolcott
Iron 185 - Clark, Drake, Newberry
Iron 194 - Bourdeau, Janier
Iron 205 - Bland, Coggin, Poythress
Iron 206 - Batte, Lound, Mallory
Iron 207 - Eppes, Pawlett, Wells
Iron 208 - Banks, Brett, Isham, Royall
Iron 210 - Fortescue, Graham, Musgrave, Slingsby
Iron 212 - Chanoler, Cromwell, Horendon, Ingoldsby
Iron 213 - Fleetwood, Foulis, Layton, Watkin(s)
Iron 214 - Brent, Greene, Peyton
Iron 215 - Paynter, Seymour
Iron 216 - Nicholls, Trimingham
Iron 230 - Cornell, Newman, Waters
Iron 234 - Morris, Pole, Vignor, Waters
Iron 235 - Affleck, Graham, Windebank
Iron 236 - Hieronimous, Lauwers, Staats, Wessels
Iron 237 - Cuyler, Rynders
Iron 238 - Ferguson, Lawrence,Walton
Iron 239 - Santvoort, Van Vleck
Iron 240 - Beekman, De Boogh, Slagboom
Iron 241 - Abeel, Croon, Kroons
Iron 246 - Christianse, Heath, Stout
Iron 247 - Bill, Van Brevoort, Willis
Iron 248 - De Forest, Dircks, Truax, Van Vlaesbeeck
Iron 249 - Sarley
Iron 260 - Beard, Sterett
Iron 261 - McNutt
Iron 266 - Baker, Canby
Iron 267 - Lloyd, Oliver
Iron 268 - Palmer, Shipley
Iron 269 - Tatnall
Iron 270 - Hopton, Lea
Iron 271 - Fawcett, Fearne
Iron 272 - Marshall, Smith
Iron 273 - Griffith, Jenkins, Paschall, Sloper
Iron 274 - Ap Evan, Ap Hugh, John, Owen, Roberts, Williams
Iron 275 - Johns, Kensey
Iron 280 - Le Fevre
Iron 281 - Ferree, Warenbuer
Iron 286 - Benson
Iron 287 - Durand, Withers
Iron 292 - Collett, Corliss, Pennock
Iron 293 - Clator, Levis, Nede
Iron 314 - Foxley, Packman, Tilghman
Iron 315 - Crouch, Lloyd, Neale
Iron 318 - Ayers, Benson, Chew, Smith
Iron 319 - Coale, Galloway, Webb
Iron 322 - Rudd, Turner, Waln
Iron 323 - Heath, Woolrich, Yerwood
Iron 330 - Bruce, Francis, Settle
Iron 386 - Hopkins, Tomsin
Iron 388 - Hall. Hooper
Iron 390 - Gover
Iron 392 - Gittings
Iron 393 - Blay, Burnam, Redgrave
Iron 394 - Crosby, Cross, Hammond, Pickard
Iron 398 - Perkins, Powers, Shepard
Iron 399 - Whitcomb
Iron 400 - Moore, Smith, Whale
Iron 401 - Lewis, Prescott, Sawyer, Wells
Iron 462 - Barre
Iron 463 - Raboteau
Iron 466 - Pomfrett, Waller
Iron 474 - Taylor, Walker
Iron 476 - Gibson
Iron 477 - Rowland, Savage, Stafford, Thornton
Iron 522 - James, Stearns, Wilson
Iron 524 - Phippen, Simonds
Iron 525 - Blogett, Eggleston
Iron 526 - Berbage, Johnson, Munter, Wiswall
Iron 527 - Kendall, Read, Walker
Iron 530 - Cutter, Leatherhead, Stratton, Williams
Iron 532 - Eliot, Pope, Poulter, Sauders
Iron 533 - Coolidge, Livermore, Sherman
Iron 534 - Cheney, Hastings
Iron 535 - Hammond, Munning, Salter
Iron 536 - Brown, Hayden, Shattuck
Iron 537 - Compton, Fuller, Hyde
Iron 542 - Munroe
Iron 543 - Ball, Pierce
Iron 544 - Barker, Stearns, Stone
Iron 546 - Brown, Woder
Iron 547 - Needham, Moullinge, Spalding
Iron 548 - Chandler, Chilton
Iron 552 - Edmunds, Potter
Iron 553 - Brooks, Mason, Wells
Iron 566 - Davis, Iggleden, Meadows, Willard
Iron 557 - Read, Rice
Iron 558 - Cummings
Iron 559 - Blessing, Gould, Perkins, Towne
Iron 560 - Blessing, Estey, Pott, Towne
Iron 561 - Kimball
Iron 564 - Atwood, Batchelder, Mitchell, Moulton
Iron 566 - Abbott, Ayers, Barker, Farnham
Iron 567 - Aslett, Ayer, Frye, Stratton
Iron 568 - Roberts, Saxton
Iron 569 - Mills
Iron 1014 - De Romaignan, De Sille, Le Noir, Van Der Goes
Iron 1398 - Parke
Iron 1436 - Warren
Iron 1704 - Cromwell (Williams), Murfyn, Trelake, Warren
Iron 1714 - Seymour
Iron 1715 - Chaddock
Iron 1914 - Beekman
Iron 1963 - Van Princis
Iron 2538 - Chew
Iron 3146 - Hammond, Payne, Trippe
Iron 3147 - Paine, Neves
Iron 3204 - Prescott
William the Conquerer - Board, De Burgh, Ferris, Fortescue, Graham, Hainault, Harbottal (Harbottle) Hennon, Herbert, Morris, Mortimer, Neville (de), Percy, Plantagenet, Ramsay, Slingsby, Spencer

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